A tested & proven 12-week program
to permanently transform
the way you lead & live

Being stuck sucks.

Whether you don’t know what you should do to move the needle forward in your leadership or business, or you can’t bring yourself to take that step, being stuck is exhausting, disempowering and it’s hindering your progress and growth.


Even if you already know that being stuck isn’t bad or wrong and that it’s ok...


Because deep down, you’re afraid that where you’re at now is as good as it gets.


And you worry that you won’t be able to get that life you set out to have
despite all your efforts.


And it’s not even just about work, is it? 


Your relationships are hurting, your family misses you physically, mentally, and/or emotionally.


And the annoying question: “What do I do to fix this?” is your first upsetting thought in the morning and the last one before your head hits the pillow at night. 


Whatever being stuck means to you right now, one thing's for sure: 


It's only the tip of an iceberg.

It's a symptom that you’ve reached a point when you need to stop. 




Freeze everything around you like a Marvel superhero.


And take a long, deep dive under the surface to discover THIS:

WHY you’re spinning your wheels, 

WHAT mindset glitches are blocking your progress, and 

HOW to stop them from getting in your way

Because only when you shift what you SEE, 

does what you DO shifts too!

Which is why I’m introducing you to

A 12-week guided comprehensive program designed to help you

not only get unstuck from your current circumstances.

This is going to equip you with a lasting framework to:

  • Discover and Remove Your Mental Roadblocks

    So you can finally make that decision, resolve the conflict that’s been slowing down your progress, gain clarity, and lead with your chin up (both on the inside and on the outside).

  • Unlearn Old Habits

    Find out what stories you tell to yourself that make you repeat habits harmful to your business and wellbeing. Adopt special approaches and mechanisms to unlearn them and form new ones that will serve your goals.

  • Boost Your Self-Awareness

    Get to know your true identity, your strengths, and weaknesses, so you can lead with clarity, calm, and confidence.

  • Change Your Ineffective Behaviors

    Discover and disempower the fears, and stories you subconsciously tell yourself that cause you to either overload yourself with work and responsibilities or prevent you from taking action.

  • Unblock Your Creative Flow

    Learn to see things others don’t; come up with new ideas to solve problems, innovate, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks!

  • Unleash Your Leadership Brilliance

    Uncover your unique leadership style, increase your reach, influence, and impact, improve your interactions and relationships, and meet your full leadership potential!

Get the results you want in

your business & life.

"It changes your life and it touches you on a core level. It's a transformative experience..."

Bret Burchard

Co-Founder, ChampionShift

"You have the unique ability to utilize that time that we spend together and extract so much out of what we entrepreneurs and leaders are going through on a daily basis..."

Mikey Sorboro

Chief Culture Officer,
LNS Restaurant Group 

Hi, I'm Chris!

To know me is to know I’ve been obsessed about getting to the bottom of how leaders grow and develop into truly courageous, kind, and influential leaders, one way or another, as long as I can remember.

And I have in the meantime:

  • Started a family and had 3 daughters

  • Accumulated a few degrees while doing everything from substitute teaching, being a college professor, coaching leaders, writing books and even filling a role as clergy. 

  • Started and led teams 

  • Wrote 5 books about leadership and spoke to thousands of people

  • Taught a transformative leadership process to small and mid-market company founders, physicians, and Fortune 100 executives, venture fund managers, and serial entrepreneurs, as well as professional athletes and non-profit directors.

At one point, I had a lot of assets in a real estate business. Everything changed for my family and me. I felt so accomplished, successful, worthy! 


But the next minute - I lost it. All of it! Gone.


In a moment that stood out in particular, I felt so ashamed of myself, beaten and defeated by the fact that I couldn’t afford a box of Cheerios for my kids.


But that precise moment was a defining one. Because I realized I valued myself based on how well I performed. 


I knew I was on to something so I researched the ins and outs of leadership for years in multiple fields (earned a doctorate from a seminary along the way).


And now, I have used all that knowledge, understanding, as well as my own

leadership experience (good and bad)

to create this remarkable 


so I can guide you to operate at the

edge of your leadership abilities!

  • Hyped confidence that fades before the next challenge

  • Working longer hours and constantly searching for new ways to increase  your productivity

  • Reading 50 self-help books a year

  • Limiting how many hours you sleep at night

  • Sacrificing the time with your family and friends to your progress

  • Ordering people around and being a jerk

  • Learning about WHAT you should do to improve your communication, decision-making, focusing, time-management skills (but not the HOW)

  • Always having everything under control

  • Never making a mistake

Don’t get me wrong, some of these things CAN bring you business success and lead to financial security. 


But as they don’t originate from your authentic self, and are rather things you THINK you should be doing as a leader, ultimately, they all lead to increased stress levels, high-pressure, anxiety, guilt, burn-out, and general lack of fulfillment in life - no matter how much money you make in the process.

If you want to be a truly awesome leader,

no matter what your circumstances are at the moment,

on the inside, you need to be:

> Comfortable with yourself

> Calm & Composed

> Confident


In only 12 weeks, you will:


Figure out your inner conflicts and learn to control and resolve them


Discover how to harness the stress, and anxiety to your advantage!


Get a practical set of tools to use daily when facing challenges,

both at work and otherwise. 


Learn to lead strategically, calmly, and kindly at all circumstances.


Here’s exactly what

Figure That Shift Out covers:


Learn the one, most important question when it comes to leadership (and life).


Discover your deepest fears, so you can stop acting out of insecurity in your attempt to avoid them.


Figure out how your fears shape the way you show up in the world - so you can permanently strip them of their power.

Module 4: FLIP THE LIE

That gut feeling that tells you your fears are right? It is a lie.

Here’s how you stop being held back.


Sift through your desires, learn more about who you truly are, and determine the North star, both for your business and life.


Learn to rewire your brain and maximize your impact by leading calmly and confidently.

Module 7: LOSE TO FIND

Discover how you can release the pressure from your responsibilities and roles, so you always have a place to feel empowered and free.


Learn how to celebrate and influence people in your life by affirming your highest-self in the process.


Find out your Achilles heel when making decisions and get the tools that’ll help you make sure your thought process isn’t affected by it.


Learn how to assess your conflicts without attacking or withdrawing. Ask what you need with precision and build healthy and productive teams.


Learn to recognize fears that force you to act and react in a manner that impairs your relationships and master the secret art of enjoying them instead.


The best way for you to always be learning and growing is to help others.

Fine-tune your leadership lens

and take the surefire path to

the life you want to lead.

What’s the investment?

Whitney Lewis, Movement on Main Center for Dance, Muskingum Youth Performing Arts, tripled her revenue while working with us.

Jay Clouse, founder of Unreal Collective and a host of upside.fm started a new company from scratch and replaced his old salary ($80K) within a year.

Super (Suprasanna Mishra), Product Manager, went through

a powerful change since he worked with Chris.

David Sherry, Founder/CEO of Death To Stock was super satisfied

with his ROI after taking part in FTSO.


Matt Veryser, Product Manager,  evaluates the programs

he invests in based on how much impact it had a year later.

The program dramatically outperformed his expectations both during the three months that he spent working with Chris and the long term.

If you want results like this, plus the ripple effect the program will have on

your personal life and relationships,

enroll in FIGURE THAT SHIFT OUT today!


"I went into SightShift thinking I’d be getting career coaching and a way to better plan out what was next for me. What I ended up getting was much more actionable - a real set of tools to use in the day to day experience of facing challenging situations and handling the pressures of work and life. I wish everyone had the skills I learned from SightShift - the change it’s had on me over the past year has been that powerful."


Super (Suprasanna Mishra)

Product Manager

Working with Chris was exactly what I needed during my transition from a corporate job to owning my own business. 


He helped me to uncover issues that I didn't even know were there and gave me the tools I needed to create real change in my relationships. I will always appreciate his ability to empathize, yet push me to do better going forward. I would recommend Chris to anyone looking to dig deeper into their thought patterns and find ways to see life through a clearer lens.


Melissa Blackburn

Co-Creator of Haven Collective

"We have noticed that self-help doesn’t stick. 


Luckily we found SightShift and were able to make permanent changes in our everyday lives. Intensive two-day training with Chris McAlister was an eye-opening experience. This helped us to figure out our fears and unlearn old habits. Practical tools were easy to use because they were introduced at a personal level. Our organization has noticed the change in us and the better results we achieve in our leadership. This is why our management is eager to bring this to the whole organization. SightShift would bring a big change to Finnish corporate culture!"


Salla Alajoki and Pasi Iisakkala

Vaisala Corporation in Finland

"It's like a boot camp for your mind! Training for the mind and soul. 


First Chris uncovers what you really fear (which might surprise you) and then he builds you back up even stronger. Going through the coaching series and reading Figure That Shift Out I have become more aware of myself and how I interact with others around me. Self-awareness is one of the most powerful attributes you can obtain and Chris knows exactly how to help you get to that point. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to up their game as a leader, creator, teacher, or just as a human."


Bobby Jocson




We are drowning in information in today’s world. 


And we’re starving for guidance. 


That guidance comes from having a community that support you along your journey. 



We provide you with a ONE stop shop for personal transformation and leadership so that you can have that clear guidance. 

Because it doesn’t need to be complicated. 


You don’t need 50 different courses from 50 different gurus. And, you’re not going to “will” your way to transformation.


You need a simple, go-to system. 


And, maybe even more importantly, you need a community. A group of people who are there for you and help you keep moving forward. 


That's why we're giving you a monthly opportunity to advance your growth and re-charge. 


What if you could get a world class mindset re-charge every month? 



You could close the gap on what you don't know that's holding you back.



You could sharpen any edges that have become dull from the previous month. 



You could start each month with a renewed focus, vision, and purpose. 

You invest for the coaching and courses. You get the community.


We need community now more than ever.


Each month, join us for a 1-hour experience where you'll not only get additional

(free!) training, but you'll also connect with a small group of other students

who are walking the same growth path. 

Why investing in Figure That Shift Out

beats buying another self-book

or a course on leadership...


Be honest! How many self-help books collect dust on your shelves? 


They can be a great read, inspire you and help you diagnose mental (or other blocks) in your way, but most of them focus on knowledge accumulation (the WHAT) while deeper guidance on how to transform your behavior (the HOW) is what you really need.


Most courses on leadership focus on productivity, change management, communication skills, and other soft skills, but good luck finding a course that’s going to help you evolve into a leader who can gracefully adapt to all circumstances.

You don’t become a truly great leader by memorizing a list of rules and following steps. You become a brilliant leader by unlocking your inner wisdom and applying it to everyday challenges.







With our 100% money-back 1-week guarantee - you’ve nothing to lose, but can gain everything! Still, if you have questions, feel free to email us at connect@sightshift.com.


FIGURE THAT SHIFT OUT program is specifically designed to upgrade your mindset and transform your reality through:

  • accelerating awareness

  • introspective exercises and

  • all-time wisdom principles




And that’s what FIGURE THAT SHIFT OUT is for!

Discover your own way of being a remarkable leader.

Here’s a recap of everything you get



  • 12 Videos

  • 12 Audios

  • 1 Workbook

  • Challenging Exercises Throughout

  • + BONUS: Exclusive Growth Opportunities

    for Course Students, including a Monthly Community, Access to Other Courses, A Giant Private Podcast Library

    (Or three payments of $277)




    If you believe that:


    • You’ll hustle and self-discipline your way to getting what you want,

    • You’ll push through your situation and move forward without introspection

    • Easy fixes, shortcuts and “tried & tested” methods will take you where you want to be

    • Self-help books are enough

    • Your team members, coworkers, and family members “just have to deal with the way you are”

    Then this course is probably

    not the best choice for you.


    However, if you are ready to:


    • Stop hustling, anxiety, proving your worth and hiding

    • Search within yourself and ask yourself some challenging questions

    • Be open-minded

    • Finally see the blind spots in your business and leadership

    • Face your fears and experience pain and discomfort before you neutralize the positive impact the fears offer you

    • Transform your mindset in order to transition into the next stage

    • Develop awareness and clarity to build great teams for both life and work

    • Build momentum in every aspect of your life

    Note: SightShift or Figure That Shift Out is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, treatment, medical treatment, psychotherapy, counseling, or mental health services. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition for your children. Never disregard professional, psychological or medical advice or delay in seeking it.

    © Copyright 2020, SightShift.com. All Rights Reserved.